In Part One I mentioned that I came back to Saudi Arabia from my West Coast “retreat” feeling rejuvenated and clear headed. I didn’t mention that I also came back with a project to work on, and that project was the process of obtaining a house. No, not just a house, a Piece of Heaven. I am not going to go into any more details. At this point in time things are still being worked out and, while I’m feeling positive about things coming together, it’s not quite definite yet. The only reason why I’m mentioning it is because Piece of Heaven plays a big role in the latest situation I have found myself in with regards to my life in Saudi Arabia.
I have said that, if Saudi Arabia is anything, it is a gift
to those of us desiring to gain financial freedom. In the process of me finally recognizing
this of Saudi, it has also allowed me to finally admit that it is one of the
big reasons for me being here. My job
here is amazing and I gain so much goodness from it both with career-based
experience and with the joys that the smile and gorgeous dimples of the boy I
work with bring; but let’s face it, I would not have come here if the money
didn’t make moving to a desert on the other side of the world worth it.
What am I getting at here?
Well, something happens when you decide to buy a house. As many people already know, bank accounts
get drained and require refilling. Take
this fact and add to it my new positive perspectives and outlook on life in
Saudi Arabia, plus the wonderful friendships that I’ve developed with people
here, plus the motivation that comes from seeing the therapy you provide to a
client actually create positive gains, and you have the perfect storm for
making it worthwhile to stay in Saudi Arabia a little longer.
Yes, you heard correctly.
I was asked to stay in Saudi Arabia for another few months and I agreed
to do it. It really makes total and
complete sense in all aspects. There are
lots of benefits in the realm of my work here (that I won’t get into because,
for confidentiality reasons, I don’t like to put details of my work in my
blog), I can continue to experience personal growth through my epiphanies now
that I understand myself and my relationship to Saudi more clearly, and I can
get my financial foothold back after investing what savings I currently have
into a property that is the epitome of peace and harmony.
And so, here I am, staying in Saudi Arabia for an extra four
months. I am actually at peace with
this. There are definitely times when I
wonder if I can make it through, but that is just a remnant of old thought
patterns that still float around my now open-minded and positive mind
frame. I don’t engage with those
thoughts anymore and, instead, think about all of the wonderful things that
will come from just a few extra months of remaining in Saudi Arabia. And wonderful things will happen because I am
in a positive place now. I have come to
recognize that thoughts become things, as Mike Tooley says, and so I choose the
good ones.
In Joy,
p.s. Thank you to
everyone back home who are playing a part in keeping my life back in BC in
order for a few extra months. Sky,
Jared, Chai, Piece of Heaven, Westie and my sanity all thank you to the moon
and back!
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